Facebook Game Creator


Facebook rolled out their new Facebook Gaming app earlier last month at a crucial time when video games soared in popularity due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, which has forced millions of people to stay at home. This course is an end-to-end course which will walk through every detail for a sustainable revenue generating profession. This course will also introduce facebook advertising campaigns and other social media monetisation components for a holistic approach.

Duration:  5 days
Session 1 :  9.00am to 1.00pm
Session 2 :  1.00am to 6.00pm

Course Objective

  1. Becoming a streamer
  2. Accounts and software setup
  3. Establishing followers, viewers, fans and contributors
  4. Monetisation model

Course Content

  1. Introduction to Facebook Game Creator
  2. Getting started – Encoding software
  3. Games and Gaming consoles
  4. Stream Channel Aesthetics
  5. Streaming, Bots and Extensions
  6. Facebook marketing
  7. Affiliate Marketing
  8. Branding and Ethics
  9. Gamers Community

Facebook Game Creator